Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

To the children that made me a Mom. I love you. Doesn't Rion look happy?

Happy Mother's Day to my mom. I would be lost without her. She is my best friend and she does so much with and for our family! We lost my brother two years ago and she has been a great source of my strength. I love you Mom.
From the moment we began our China adoption, I had in my heart and mind that we would travel in June. So that is what I have prayed for every day. Prayed hard. I have so many reasons why I want it to be June. The main one being that I just want Cate in our arms. I have begged God and I have prayed for a miracle. I have not prayed that His will be done. I tell Him that I trust Him and believe and have faith. And I do....... except I have been praying for what I want. It hit me today, after a very down week last week, that I am NOT trusting God. So, I am going to completely change the way I have been thinking and praying to Thy will be done, and in Your perfect timing. I was admitting this to Greg today, and he said that he hated to see me worry and be sad about what hasn't happened (our LOA) when this should be such a happy and exciting time for us, and he's right. We WILL meet Cate and I truely want it to be EXACTLY when God wants to put her in my waiting arms.


Ruth said...

As hard as it is, God's timing really is perfect and we will hold our little ones in His perfect timing!! I am so glad we have that to rest in! I hope we are there together - I would love to meet you in person and see you with your beautiful Cate!

Ruth said...

and Happy Mother's Day!!!

Redmom2005 said...

Kim - I know this is such a hard time...waiting for that LOA! Just know that you are sooooo much further along in the process than many, and your day is coming soon! Really soon!!!

Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!


Dawn said...

I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day...I love your attitude about this wait...we are getting so close, and Erin is right...we are farther along than's almost our turn!


Our family said...

Well said about your prayers to God and the change of heart that you have had. I prayed the same way you have been when I was waiting for Lilly. Whether it's God's wisdom or just learning that it doesn't work, I have tried to trust his timing and his will more as we wait for Ellie. I still have not done it perfectly though. We'll pray together for his sovereign will to be done!!

3 Peanuts said...

Thank you for your comment. Have fun in HH...we go there every August! Praying for Cate to come home:)

eastandwest said...

What a beautiful family you have! The waiting is SO hard but it is all erased once that sweet pea is in your arms. I hope you have a great time at the beach. What a great place for the Lord to speak with you and restore your soul.